Wednesday 19 April 2023

Doit-on continuer le traitement, même s’ils vont mourir? Par exemple, nous travaillons dans une brasserie, nos clients vont et partirent- tous les jours. Ils ont déjà mangé hier, mais ils ont faim encore aujourd’hui, et ils auront à nouveau faim demain.

Ergo, “avoir à nouveau faim” - Ce n’est pas très important pour nous médecins non plus. C’est l’art de la journée. 


Saturday 25 March 2023

After watching “EEAAO”

 The Philosophy of Everything Everywhere All At Once - YouTube this video basically summed up what I’m concerning the most

And I’ve just learned that I actually understand and be able to point out 3 solutions of Camus without reading any Camus’s work: end own life; leap of faith and “Stop fighting the absolute meaning but content with relative/ individual meaning”. I realized this by my own experience in life, and noticing the effect of our decisions albeit the meaningless circumstances. Which makes me think, do I actually have kind of existential smart or do I already know that at some subconscious level before I speak it out?

Anyways, I figure it’d best to keep typing and noting all my thoughts here for that maybe I can understand my own self more thoroughly.

To be honest, I’m back to that addiction, and neglecting (1 day) of improving myself really. Part of me may thinking: “Is there any actual good or meaning to keep practicing French/ learning philosophy? Do I need something else, or have I already been completed?” ANd any time like now when facing with the “bagel” (we all know it’s there, and all of us can find them anytime), I wonder myself if that addiction is so clingy or I really want it? And then, what I really want? What kind of path I chose: number 2 or number 3? I really want to cry out to God, asking for His blessing and His strength, but I know I’m always weak in faith, and I’ve been walking with my 2 feet on both roads simultaneously for a while now.

Anyways, c’est marveilleux que ce film me fait à penser: What I really want, What am I truly seeking (not work, not reputation, not money, they are not the end that I seek), and this thought help me to reconsider and prevent me from continuing procrastinate in the sideroad tavern.