Wednesday 29 June 2016



He is huge with shoulders like those of a bear.
My aunt looks quickly behind her and her eyes are like a frightened rabbit's.
Rob Excuse me. How much for the Vauxhall over there?
Neil Oh the Vauxhall, oh yeah, that's a bargain. £700.
Rob 700?
Neil Yeah. It'll cost you at least 800 anywhere else.
Rob: Could you do it for 500?
Neil 500? No, sorry, no: I can sell this car for 700, I'm sure of it.
Rob I've got the cash. You couldn't do a bit cheaper, could you?
Neil I tell you what, I could probably do it for about 650. You can't say fairer than that.
Rob I've got all the cash here. I haven’t got 650, I've got 600. I'll give you 600 for it.
Neil 630, how about that? I've just knocked off another £20.
Rob It's too much: I haven’t got that kind of money. Look, I saw it down the road for 600. 
Neil Hang on, hang on, let's not be silly here. Let's not be silly here. I'll tell you what. 600.
Rob 600. It's a deal.
Neil Go on then.
There are places in the world where people don't have much money, but they are still happy. They make do with what they have and don't need money to buy expensive things.
money might be central to our happiness.
high-paid jobs often come with a lot of stress. There is only so much pressure you can take before you might need to quit the rat race, however good the pay is.

  • All the students have their own rooms.
  • All the information about accommodation is on our website.
  • Every student has their own room.
  • Each student has their own room.  (yes you can use "their" here- because of undefined gender, and remember singular behind every/each)
  • ----------------------------------------
  • Did it make you want to set off on holiday and check in at a lovely hotel?
  • ------------------------------------------
  • sensible: có óc xét đoán, biết điều <------> sensitive: nhạy cảm, dễ tổn thương
  • Grammar phrasal verbs

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